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Ger Experience

Visit a nomadic family or sleep in a private ger in order to live like Mongolians have done for centuries


Nomadic lifestyle probably differs a lot from what are you get used to. Herders and their families move their home several times per year but the essential component of Mongolian culture is hospitality. Nomadic families usually welcome visitors and offer them their home-made products (usually made of their livestock). However, respecting host’s privacy and appreciation of hospitality is the main quality of the guest in general. Remember you are not coming to the ZOO but to the home of real people, try to learn some basic phrases to be able to communicate and offer them help. Nomadic families hold several skills which you can be enriched by, such as milking the livestock, building a ger or horse riding. This enriching experience can be organized by local tour guides such as HATI.

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